Question 9 || Hacker Rank

Bitwise Operator || Hacker Rank

Bitwise Operator

In this test, you will utilize legitimate bitwise administrators. All information is put away in its double portrayal. The intelligent administrators, and C language, use to address valid and to address misleading. The consistent administrators think about bits in two numbers and return valid or misleading, or , for each piece analyzed.


Bitwise AND administrator and The result of bitwise AND is 1 assuming the relating pieces of two operands is 1. In the event that either piece of an operand is 0, the aftereffect of comparing bit is assessed to 0. It is signified by and.


Bitwise OR administrator || The result of bitwise OR is 1 assuming somewhere around one relating piece of two operands is 1. It is meant by ||.


Bitwise XOR (selective OR) administrator ^ The aftereffect of bitwise XOR administrator is 1 assuming the comparing pieces of two operands are inverse. It is signified by .


For instance, for numbers 3 and 5,

 3 = 00000011 (In Twofold)

5 = 00000101 (In Twofold)


What's more, activity OR activity XOR activity

  00000011 00000011 00000011

& 00000101 | 00000101 ^ 00000101

  ________             ________            ________

  00000001 = 1 00000111 = 7 00000110 = 6

You will be given a number , and an edge, i1nnik$. Print the aftereffects of the and, or and select or examinations on isolated lines, in a specific order.



 The aftereffects of the examinations are underneath:

 a b as well as xor

1 2 0 3 3

1 3 1 3 2

2 3 2 3 1

For the and correlation, the greatest is . For the or correlation, none of the qualities is not exactly , so the greatest is . For the xor correlation, the most extreme worth not exactly is . The capability ought to print:




Capability Portrayal

 Complete the calculate_the_maximum capability in the supervisor beneath.

 calculate_the_maximum has the accompanying boundaries:


int n: the biggest number to consider

int k: the consequence of a correlation should be lower than this number to be thought of Print the most extreme qualities for the and, or and xor examinations, each on a different line.

 Input Configuration

 The main line contains space-isolated numbers, and .


 Test Info 0

 5 4

Test Result 0




Clarification 0

 All potential upsides of and are:

 The most extreme conceivable worth of that is likewise is , so we print on first line.

 The most extreme conceivable worth of that is additionally is , so we print on second line.

 The most extreme conceivable worth of that is additionally is , so we print on third line.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void calculate_the_maximum(int n, int k) {
    int max_and = 0;
    int max_or = 0;
    int max_xor = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) {
            if ((i & j) > max_and && (i & j) < k) {
                max_and = i & j;
            if ((i | j) > max_or && (i | j) < k) {
                max_or = i | j;
            if ((i ^ j) > max_xor && (i ^ j) < k) {
                max_xor = i ^ j;
    printf("%d\n%d\n%d\n", max_and, max_or, max_xor);

int main() {
    int n, k;
    scanf("%d %d", &n, &k);
    calculate_the_maximum(n, k);
    return 0;


Bitwise Operator